28 December 2008

Let's really examine this.

[Note for the curious: yes, his scrotum is the size of a cantaloupe; he's a regular at San Francisco anti-war protests who's a fan of a procedure called "scrotal inflation" in which the testicular sac is infused with saline solution until it almost bursts. If you would like to try scrotal inflation yourself, click here to order a Scrotal Inflation Kit.]

And there you have it.

1 comment:

bigballbagger said...

Hey everyone,

I've been trying to find a local doc to give me a scrotal inflation. Does anyone know of a good inflator in the bklyn/nyc area? Thx. BTW, I'm new to this, (just found this blog, thank god!) What's a good size to start? Kiwi? Grapefruit? Or can I go straight to the full cantaloupe? Thx for your help, fellow scrotum inflators!